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Captain LaPonda Fitchpatrick (Ret.)

Airports Emergency Notification, Interoperable Communication, and Beyond: Best Practices for Civil,

Commissioned by BlackBerry and first published in July of 2016, this White Paper on best practices for emergency notification, and interoperable communication in aviation operations continues to be relevant today. These recommendations can be applied to a variety of settings where interdependence and multi-jurisdictional responsibility exist in addressing emergency response and coordination.

Executive Summary

Ensuring public safety on airport properties across the globe requires a complex coordination of emergency response services, advanced alerting systems, and tightly integrated operations.

Communicating critical information during an emergency event as soon as possible is one of the most important capabilities necessary for effective emergency response and recovery. Airports are dependent on a wide range of organizations and agencies to assist them in times of crisis and disruption. These partnerships and networks rely heavily on the timely sharing of accurate information with each other, stakeholders, passengers, and the general public.

As with the transitory system that aviation presents, airport leaders are always searching for ways to improve the coordination of emergency responses to better protect passengers, staff members, vendors at an airport, plus organizations and businesses in their nearby communities, including the public officials who will judge an airport’s emergency response leadership and efficacy.

This white paper describes the evolution of Emergency Mass Notification Systems (EMNS) employed by airports. Today, integrated safety and security solutions have grown from stand-alone, hard to manage physical systems to sophisticated communication networks that support an effective, real-time emergency response.

This paper also offers proven critical best practices and advice for airport executives seeking to improve operational efficiency and interoperable communications, along with safety, security, and regulatory compliance at the airport and into surrounding communities.

Click here to get access to the full report.

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